Explore new frontier with advancement of Artificial Intelligence

We will help to explore emerging AI/Ml to bring operational efficiency and discover new business Opportunity in the changing world.

AI/ML Consulting Services

Our AI/ML consulting and implementation services enable businesses to unlock the full potential of data-driven decision-making. We help clients develop custom AI/ML solutions, from predictive analytics to natural language processing, tailored to their unique needs. With our expertise, organizations can automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and gain valuable insights to stay ahead of the competition.


MLOps, or DevOps for machine learning, is the practice of combining machine learning (ML) system development and ML system operations. It seeks to increase automation and improve the quality of production ML while also focusing on business and regulatory requirements.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is an AI/ML domain consulting services focused on enabling machines to interpret and understand visual information from the real world. By implementing computer vision solutions, organizations can enhance operational efficiency, reduce human error, and provide new, data-driven insights to drive innovation and growth


AI speech services such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems convert spoken words into written text, enabling applications such as voice assistants, transcription services, and voice commands in various devices. These systems utilize deep learning algorithms to analyze audio inputs and accurately transcribe spoken language


Large Language models are AI/ML systems designed to understand, interpret, and generate human language. They have a wide range of applications in businesses, such as sentiment analysis, chatbots, and natural language processing for customer support, marketing, and content generation.

Generative AI

Generative AI services focuses on creating new and original content, such as images, text, or even music. It utilizes deep learning algorithms and neural networks to generate content that closely resembles human-created output. Generative AI models are trained on vast amounts of data and learn patterns and styles to produce novel content


RPA technology that uses software robots or “bots” to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within business processes. It mimic human interactions with digital systems, performing tasks such as data entry, form filling, and data extraction and works alongside existing systems and applications, without requiring major changes to the underlying infrastructure.


MLOps, or Machine Learning Operations, refers to the practice of streamlining and automating the end-to-end lifecycle of AI/ML models, from development and deployment to monitoring and maintenance. MLOps facilitates collaboration between data scientists, IT operations, and business teams, ensuring the smooth integration of AI/ML solutions into the organization’s workflow. By adopting MLOps, businesses can accelerate the development and deployment of AI/ML models, increase their efficiency, and ensure their continued relevance in a rapidly changing environment.

Data Versioning

To ensure reproducibility and traceability in machine learning projects, versioning of datasets is crucial. It helps in tracking the data used for training the model, thereby aiding in debugging and maintaining consistency.

Model Versioning:

Similar to data versioning, model versioning involves tracking and managing different versions of ML models, their parameters, and hyper parameters. It ensures the reproducibility of experiments and makes it easier to roll back to a previous version if needed.

Model Training Orchestration

This component involves automating the process of training models on various data sets. This orchestration can involve training on different hardware, tuning hyper parameters, or even selecting different ML algorithms.

Model Serving

After training a model, it must be deployed or “served” to make predictions. The serving infrastructure needs to be scalable and reliable. Often, it involves setting up a REST API to allow other services to use the model.

Model Monitoring

Once the model is in production, it’s crucial to monitor its performance to ensure it continues to provide accurate results. Over time, the model may need to be retrained with new data. This is often referred to as “model decay.”

CI/CD Of Models

This involves automating the process of testing and deploying ML models to ensure a fast, reliable release cycle. It involves practices like automated testing, automated building of models, and automated deployment.

Experiment Tracking

In order to effectively manage and compare different ML experiments, tracking mechanisms are needed. These mechanisms should log metrics, parameters, and output results to aid in model selection and tuning.


The goal of MLOps is to automate as much of the process as possible. This includes automating data collection and preprocessing, model training and validation, model deployment, and performance monitoring.

Our MLOps Services

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MLOps Implementation

MLOps Rediness Assesment

MlOps advisory and Implementation

Model Deployment

Data Governance


Computer Vision Services

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interpret visual information like humans do. It involves the extraction, analysis, and understanding of valuable insights from images or videos. Computer vision is composed of several key components. The first component is image acquisition, where cameras or other imaging devices capture visual data. The second component is preprocessing, which involves tasks like resizing, filtering, and noise reduction to enhance the quality of the images. The next component is feature extraction, where relevant visual features, such as edges, corners, or textures, are identified and extracted from the images. This step helps to represent the images in a way that can be easily processed by algorithms. Following feature extraction is the learning component, where computer vision models are trained using machine learning techniques. This involves feeding the models with labeled data to learn patterns and make predictions based on the visual features. The last component is the inference phase, where the trained models are used to make predictions or analyze new, unseen images or videos.

To train computer vision models, a large labeled dataset is required. This dataset contains images or videos with corresponding labels or annotations. Various deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are commonly used to train computer vision models. The process involves feeding the labeled data into the network, optimizing the model’s parameters through backpropagation, and iteratively adjusting the weights to minimize the difference between predicted and actual labels. This process continues until the model achieves satisfactory performance on the training data. Once trained, the model can be deployed for inference, where it processes new, unseen images or videos to make predictions or extract valuable information.

In summary, computer vision involves the acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, learning, and inference of visual information. By leveraging machine learning techniques and deep learning models, computer vision enables computers to understand, interpret, and analyze visual data, offering a wide range of applications in fields like object recognition, image classification, video analysis, and autonomous systems.


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a technology that converts spoken language into written text. It is a key component of various applications like voice assistants, transcription services, and speech-to-text conversion. ASR systems consist of several components. The first component is the audio input, which can be captured through microphones or other recording devices. The next component is the feature extraction stage, where audio signals are transformed into a representation that is suitable for analysis. This usually involves techniques like the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the audio into a spectral representation. The subsequent component is the acoustic model, which is trained on vast amounts of labeled speech data. It learns patterns and relationships between audio features and corresponding phonetic units, such as phones or phonemes. The language model component captures the linguistic context by using statistical language models or neural language models. It helps the ASR system make more accurate predictions by considering the probability of word sequences. The final component is the decoding stage, where all the information from the acoustic and language models is combined to generate the final transcription.

To train an ASR model, a large dataset of transcribed speech is required. This dataset should cover a wide range of speakers, accents, and language variations to ensure robustness and accuracy. The training process involves using this labeled data to train the acoustic model and language model components. Acoustic models are typically trained using machine learning algorithms, such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) or deep neural networks (DNNs), to map acoustic features to phonetic units. Language models, on the other hand, are trained using statistical methods or neural network architectures to learn the probabilities of word sequences. The training process involves iterative optimization techniques like maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or sequence discriminative training.

Extending an ASR model involves adapting the existing model to new domains or specific applications. This can be achieved by fine-tuning the acoustic and language models on domain-specific or task-specific data. By providing additional training data that aligns with the desired domain or application, the model can be adapted to improve performance in specific contexts.

In addition to ASR, there are other related technologies. Text-to-Speech (TTS) converts written text into natural-sounding speech. TTS systems employ techniques like concatenative synthesis or parametric synthesis to generate speech waveforms from text input. Speech-to-Text (STT) is the reverse process of ASR, converting spoken language into written text. Language translation systems utilize machine learning and neural network architectures to translate text or speech from one language to another. These technologies, combined with ASR, play a crucial role in enabling natural language communication, multilingual interactions, and accessibility in various applications.


Language Models (LMs) are a fundamental component of natural language processing (NLP) that aim to understand and generate human-like text. Lately, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention due to their ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. LLMs consist of various components. The first component is the input layer, which processes the text data and converts it into a numerical representation that the model can understand. The next component is the neural network architecture, typically based on transformers, which learns the patterns and relationships in the text data. These models use self-attention mechanisms to capture dependencies between different words or tokens. The decoder component generates the output based on the learned patterns and can be used for tasks such as language generation, machine translation, or text completion.

To extend an LLM, a technique called Langchains can be used. Langchains involve conditioning the model on specific input prompts or instructions to control the generated text. This technique allows users to guide the LLMs’ output to align with desired contexts or goals. By providing context-specific instructions or specifying certain attributes of the generated text, Langchains enable more fine-grained control over the generated language and enhance the model’s utility in specific applications.

OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organization, has developed several state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models. These models are trained on massive amounts of text data from the internet and are capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text. OpenAI has also released pre-trained models like GPT-3, which can be fine-tuned on specific tasks or domains using transfer learning techniques. Additionally, OpenAI has introduced the concept of prompt engineering, which involves carefully crafting input prompts to guide the output of LLMs towards desired results. The availability of open-source models and tools from OpenAI and other organizations has democratized access to advanced language models, allowing researchers, developers, and the broader community to explore and utilize these models in various applications.

Open-source models, developed by organizations or individual researchers, provide a valuable resource for the NLP community. These models often come with pre-trained weights and architectures, enabling developers to leverage the power of advanced language models without starting from scratch. They allow for fine-tuning on specific tasks or domains, making them versatile and adaptable for various applications. Open-source models promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in the field of NLP, enabling researchers and developers to build upon existing work and contribute to the advancement of natural language understanding and generation capabilities.


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that automates repetitive and rule-based tasks using software robots or “bots.” These bots mimic human interactions with digital systems, such as entering data, clicking buttons, and navigating interfaces. RPA consists of several key components. The first component is the bot development environment, where developers design and configure bots using user-friendly interfaces or scripting tools. The next component is the bot execution engine, which executes the programmed tasks and interacts with various applications and systems. The bot operates on the user interface level, utilizing screen scraping techniques or application programming interfaces (APIs) to extract and input data. The control and management component ensures the scheduling, monitoring, and tracking of bot activities, allowing for centralized control and oversight.

RPA offers significant business value across various industries and functions. In finance and accounting, RPA can automate tasks like data entry, invoice processing, and reconciliation, reducing errors and processing times. In human resources, RPA can streamline employee onboarding, payroll processing, and leave management. In customer service, RPA can handle repetitive inquiries, automate ticket routing, and assist in order processing. In healthcare, RPA can automate patient data entry, claims processing, and appointment scheduling. Moreover, RPA can be applied in supply chain management to automate inventory management, order fulfillment, and demand forecasting. These are just a few examples, as RPA has a wide range of applications across industries and functions where manual and repetitive tasks can be automated.

The benefits of implementing RPA are numerous. RPA improves operational efficiency by reducing human error, increasing process speed, and freeing up employees to focus on higher-value tasks. It enables cost savings by reducing labor costs associated with repetitive tasks and minimizing the need for manual interventions. RPA also enhances accuracy and compliance by ensuring consistent adherence to predefined rules and regulations. Furthermore, RPA offers scalability, allowing organizations to quickly scale their automation efforts as needed. The ease of implementation and non-invasive nature of RPA make it an attractive option for businesses seeking to streamline their operations and achieve process optimization.

In summary, RPA automates repetitive and rule-based tasks using software robots, providing businesses with increased efficiency, cost savings, accuracy, and scalability. The broad range of applications and the potential for significant business value make RPA a valuable tool for organizations across industries and functions.

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